Pet First Aid for Emergency Services
CPD Certified Provider of Training Excellence Training Approved by Skills for Care

This course is designed to provide emergency service professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to pet-related emergencies. As an emergency service provider, it is crucial to be equipped with the tools and understanding to provide immediate assistance to pets in distress. This course aims to empower you to confidently handle various emergency situations involving pets and ensure their well-being.

Throughout the course, you will explore essential topics such as pet first aid and the law, understanding the role of veterinarians in emergencies, and recognising when veterinary care is required. You will learn how to keep pets safe during emergency situations, identify signs of pain in pets, and conduct basic health checks to establish a baseline for their well-being. Additionally, you will master the technique of taking a pulse and understand the importance of pet first aid kits in emergency response.

The course will extensively cover CPR, pet accidents, and first aid, including breathing and respiratory problems. You will be introduced to pet CPR, learning the steps and techniques necessary to resuscitate a pet in cardiac or respiratory arrest. Through practical demonstrations and hands-on training, you will gain the confidence to perform pet CPR effectively in critical situations.

Furthermore, you will delve into specific medical conditions that commonly affect pets, enabling you to recognise signs, provide immediate relief, and understand when specialised veterinary care is necessary. The course will also focus on different types of bleeding and teach you how to control and manage bleeding through dressings, bandages, and the application of pet wrap bandages. You will develop proficiency in addressing paw problems, nail and claw injuries, as well as bandaging the ear and tail in case of injuries.

In addition to these critical topics, the course will cover dehydration in pets, high temperatures, and heatstroke, as well as the treatment of hypothermia. You will gain insights into recognising and responding to these potentially life-threatening situations when providing emergency services.

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of emergency pet services and first aid. You will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate assistance in various emergency scenarios, including CPR, stabilising fractures, addressing spinal injuries, and managing medical conditions. Join us on this educational journey and become a competent and compassionate provider of emergency services for pets in need.

The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence Based Learning statement.

This course comes with 4.0 hours of CPD, although the time to complete the course online may be less than this.

The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence Based Learning statement.

Introduction to Pet First Aid

  • Introduction to the course
  • Pet first aid and the law
  • The vet and your role in first aid
  • When is Veterinary Care Required
  • Keeping your pet safe in an emergency
  • How pets show pain
  • Checking your pet's health and finding out what is normal
  • Taking a Pulse
  • Pet First Aid Kits

CPR, Pet Accidents and First Aid

  • Breathing and respiratory problems
  • Pet CPR Introduction
  • Pet CPR
  • Pet CPR Practical Demonstration
  • Drowning and Treatment
  • Shock
  • Pet fractures treatment
  • Spinal injury and moving an injured pet

Medical Conditions

  • Types of Bleeding
  • Dressings, bandages and controlling bleeding
  • Pet wrap bandages
  • Paw Problems
  • Nail and Claw Injuries
  • Bandaging the Ear
  • Bandaging the tail and tail injuries
  • Dehydration in pets
  • High Temperatures and Heatstroke
  • Hypothermia Treatment
  • Student Manual (V8.4) - Pet First Aid
  • Catastrophic bleeding and trauma First Aid Guidance From ProTrainings
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) link to the NHS website
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for people with animals
  • Dog CPR Flowchart
  • First Aid and Social Distancing poster
  • Pet CPR Flow Chart
  • Pet Emergency Contact Sheet and Care
  • ProTrainings Pet First Aid Dog Bodily Statistics - Handout
  • ProTrainings Pet First Aid Handout - Normal Temperatures Pulse Rates and Respiration Rates for Pets
  • ProTrainings Pet Vital Signs Handout
  • Regulated - COVID 19 Pre-Screen Student Evaluation Form
  • Woundclot - haemostatic gauze for all types of bleeding
What range of pet courses are available?

There are different pet first aid courses from a comprehensive pet first aid course or a canine version to an advanced course for those who would like more information on pet first aid. There is a pet professionals course and specialist courses for security dog owners and one for the emergency services. Dog and cat care courses complete the range.

I want to complete a short practical module after completing the online course, is this possible?

We have a network of over 1000 approved and monitored instructors to deliver a short skill training session nationwide or we can come to your workplace to deliver the training. This blended training saves class time and provides the same qualification. Contact us on 01206 805359 to discuss your options.

Is the Security Dog First Aid course endorsed by NASDU?

Yes, the ProTrainings Security Dog First Aid course is endorsed by NASDU and is available as a 100% online, blended or classroom course nationwide through our network of approved and monitored instructors. For details of the course locally please call 01206 805359.

What is Pet First Aid?

Pet first aid is the immediate treatment of sick of injured pets before urgent assistance of a vet.  The courses cover what to do in an emergency as well as how to prevent common accidents and depending on the course, details of different medical conditions and injuries.

What is CPD and why is having Certified CPD important?

CPD stands for Continuous Professional Development and is required in many business sectors. Even if you do not require a set CPD credit level, having Certifed CPD ensures the quality of training. ProTrainings are the highest gold standard of CPD ensuring that all courses are externally verified and mapped to the highest levels.

What is "SCORM ready" and will courses run on a LMS?

SCORM Ready means that online courses can run on any compatible Learning Management System (LMS). SCORM courses run seamlessly on your existing LMS system without a separate login so staff only login using the existing company system. ProTrainings online courses have an advanced SCORM ready system to give more features than any other company.

Do I receive a certificate after completing your online training?

Yes, when you complete the online course you will be able to download and print a compliant completion certificate, evidenced-based learning statement to confirm course content and a certified CPD statement. There is no extra charge for the certificate.  You can also buy a printed certificate to be posted to you for a small extra fee.

What training courses do you offer and how are they delivered?

We offer a full range of training courses across all business sectors as video online, blended and nationwide at your business or our local training centres. With over 350 courses you can learn at a time and place that meets your busy schedules and save money on travel and costs away from the office.

Can I buy Pet First Aid kits and equipment from ProTrainings?

Yes, we have a full first aid store on this site or visit our main first aid equipment online store at

Are your courses Endorsed?

Yes, all ProTrainings courses are Endorsed by TQUK in addition to other approvals and endorsements to give you a quality compliant qualification for your courses whatever delivery method you take.

Why do I need accredited training courses?

Whether you are employed, running a business or taking training for other reasons, you need to ensure the course is trustworthy and will pass due diligence checks.  Taking courses that are accredited gives you peace of mind of the quality, compliance and that your certificate will be accepted. Choosing ISO companies to ensure they are externally verified.

Are courses all online or can I take a blended or class course locally?

Most of our courses are available as online or classroom-based at a training centre locally.  We can also send an instructor to your business to save travel and tailor the course to your business.  To save time and money you can take most courses in a blended format with online and class training.

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