Emergency Grab Bag Kit Pro -
The Pro kit is equipped with the first response to more serious incidents and emergencies in the workplace. In addition to Ambulance Dressings, the kit also includes Trauma Dressings for the fast treatment of major blood loss wounds.
2 x Ambulance dressing No
12 x Ambulance dressing No
22 x Ambulance dressing No
32 x Ambulance dressing No 4
10 x Cleansing wipes
3 x Eye pad dressing
1 x Eyewash 500ml
2 x Foil blanket
2 x Gloves vinyl pair
1 x Guidance notes
1 x Microporous tape
40 x Plasters assorted washproof
1 x Resuscitation aid
1 x Scissors tuff cut
1 x Trauma dressing 10x18
1 x Trauma dressing 15x18
2 x Triangular bandage
1 x Tweezers flat
Items may vary slightly but of equal value.
Brand: Qualicare
Item #: QF4002