The simple life saving device aims to increase the chances of survival when a choking emergency arises.
COLCHESTER, August 07, 2017
ProTrainings Europe Limited are merchandising the revolutionary new medical device, Dechoker. The simple life saving device aims to increase the chances of survival when a choking emergency arises. The Dechoker is easy to use and can even be used if you are alone with minimal training. It works by using powerful vacuuming to remove the obstruction from the airway, working in seconds. A choking death occurs every 2 hours... when you consider the safety of your family, friends, workplace and community, having the Dechoker on hand can give you piece of mind.
Abdominal thrusts have helped save many lives, but its not the easiest method when responding to someone choking. There are a number of fatal complications following the performance of abdominal thrusts. You might not be big or strong enough to perform thrusts on the person choking. The other alternative, performing a Tracheotomy, is something very few would be able to do. Dechoker is our very sensible answer to this problem. Time is of the essence when trying to help someone choking, and it's very distressing to all involved.
Seconds do really count when the airway is obstructed and avoidable delay can result in death. According to the information provided by the NHS and UK and European Resus Councils, abdominal thrusts should never be performed on babies under one year old, pregnant women or people who are obese. Never attempt to put your fingers into a childs throat to feel for an object; doing so could lodge the item more firmly in the airway.
Registered as an FDA Class 2 medical device, the Dechoker is approved to be manufactured sterilised and ISO13485 compliant. Be ready to respond when someone experiences a choking emergency with the Dechoker and purchase them from or call 01206 805359.
A life-threatening choking attack can happen to anyone, even you..