Account / Login
If you do not remember your username, use the contact form to notify our support staff. Be sure to include your first and last name and email address in the request.
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Yes, the ProTrainings system requires each student to have an email address. If you do not have an email address, we recommend Google Mail ( This is a free service, it is easy to use, and it takes less than 10 minutes to set up.
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To change your name let us know through the contact form.
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You should have been sent a welcome email containing your username and password. Be sure to type your password exactly as it appears in the email. Your password is case sensitive, which means that "password", "Password", and "PASSWORD" are all different passwords. If this doesn't work, you can have your password reset here.
If you can't remember your username fill out the contact form to let us know. Be sure to include your first and last name, and email address.
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If you have forgotten your password and do not have the welcome email containing this information, you can have your password reset. An email message will be sent to the email address you used to sign up for the account containing instructions on how to reset your password.
Please make sure that your email system is not sending our emails to a "junk" or "bulk" folder. ProTrainings will never send you unsolicited email.
If you do not receive an email (possibly due to a typo when you entered your address) please fill out the contact form with either your username or your first and last name so we can look up your account quickly.
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First, log in with your username and password after clicking the LOGIN box in the upper right of the site.
Next, click on personal info on the top navigation bar. This will bring up your current information.
Then, change the appropriate information.
Finally, click Save Changes
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