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Poisoning with Household Cleaning Products and first aid

PoisoningPoisoning affects thousands of children and infants from products commonly found in and around the home. Although long term injury is rare, the anxiety and distress caused to both child and parents could be avoided by increased awareness.

The group of children most at risk are the under fives and of these children aged one to three are at most risk. There are on average 15 children aged under 5 admitted to hospital daily in the UK due to sudden poisoning. Children from poor families are three times more likely to be admitted to hospital due to an accident, including accidental poisoning.

So why are young children are more likely to be poisoned?

Exploring is part of growing up but young children have little concept of potential dangers.  They are inquisitive and will often put things in their mouth to further explore their texture and taste. Part of growing up is to watch and copy what others do, unfortunately this includes copying using potentially dangerous things like household products and medication.  Also, small children may mistake liquid capsule style dishwasher and washing machine detergents for toys or sweets. These are not only a danger in relation to ingestion but can also cause serious irritation to the eyes which can result in long term damage.

Symptoms associated with serious poisoning include:

–  Being sick,
·  Abdominal pain,
·  Drowsiness or reduced levels of consciousness,
·  Breathing difficulties,
· Seizures.

If you think someone has swallowed poison:

– Get medical help immediately
– Do not let the child drink anything,
– Do not make the child sick this can cause more damage,
– If you know what has been taken keep a sample to show to the medical services,
– If it they appear to be unconscious, try to wake them and encourage them to spit out any pills,
– If a child’s lips are burned by corrosive substances, frequent sips of cold water or milk may be given,
– And finally, residual chemicals on the skin should be rinsed away with copious amounts of water.

Medical staff will need to take a detailed history to effectively treat a person who has been poisoned. When the paramedics arrive or when you arrive at an emergency department, give them as much information as you can, including:

–  What substances you think the person may have swallowed
–  When the substance was taken (how long ago)
–  Why the substance was taken – whether it was an accident or deliberate
–  How it was taken (for example, swallowed)
–  How much was taken (if you know)
–  Give details of any symptoms that the person has had, such as whether they have been sick.

How can accidents with household cleaning products be prevented?

For more information on keeping children safe and learning about peadiatric first aid visit ProTrainings offer over 120 video online course and 200 classroom courses nationally.  Call 01206 805359 or email

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